TV Everywhere

Watch TV Everywhere (WTVE) is a free service available to customers who subscribe to certain channels through Nexicom. With WTVE you can access available content from these channels anywhere you have an Internet Connection.
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Available Channels
- A&E
- Animal Planet
- BNN Bloomberg
- Crave
- CTV Comedy
- CTV Drama
- CTV Life
- CTV News Channel
- CTV Sci-fi
- Discovery Channel
- Discovery Science
- Discovery Velocity
- E!
- FX
- Investigation Discovery
- Sportsnet 360
- Sportsnet One
- Sportsnet East
- Sportsnet Ontario
- Sportsnet Pacific
- Sportsnet West
- Sportsnet World
- Starz
- Stingray
- TSN2
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is WTVE?
WTVE has a lot of different definitions. For us, it is TV programs that are available on something other than a TV set. That means your PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone or Android.
2. How is WTVE different from something like Prime or Netflix?
WTVE is FREE. There is no extra charge to use it. You only need to have a subscription to the network you want to watch.
3. Where can I use WTVE?
The answer is just about Everywhere. WTVE works anywhere you can receive an Internet signal: inside your house, at the office, shopping mall, hotel, airport, vacation home, etc. Wired connections and in-home WiFi will provide the best quality. The quality of WTVE signals while roaming (airports, stores, etc.) will vary depending on the strength of the signal. Be extra careful when you travel, especially outside of Canada. Data roaming charges may apply.
4. What programs are available?
Different networks make different programs available at different times. Each TV network makes their own decision about what to make available on WTVE.
5. Why aren't all programs available?
A TV network doesn't necessarily own all of the rights to all of the programs they transmit. A TV network may have the right to transmit a movie, but only to TV sets, not on WTVE. So, it depends on the TV network.
6. Will other networks become available?
Yes. We are working with many different program providers to expand the number of networks and the number of programs available on WTVE. Registered users are presented with a complete list of all the networks available to them. You will see them automatically when they are added.
7. How many different devices can I use?
There is no limit to the number of devices you can use. However, TV networks may limit the number you can use at the same time.
8. Does watching WTVE count against my mobile data plan?
It might. Check your data plan before you start watching WTVE on a smart phone or wireless network. WTVE programs transmit a lot of data. That can become expensive if you have a limited data plan. Please know that we have no way of knowing when you have exceeded your data plan. You are responsible for all of the charges made by your mobile carrier.